Episode 15 – Skinwalker Ranch

Direct MP3 Download: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1934329/10237077-episode-15-skinwalker-ranch.mp3

Secret Grasp is a podcast all about the mysterious and difficult to explain aspects of life.  We cover topics relating to the paranormal, occult, psychic, spirituality, conspiracy theories, urban legends, cryptids, UFOs, aliens, ghosts, demons, and other strange occurrences. Visit us at www.secretgrasp.com

This episode is all about Skinwalker Ranch. Specifically events during the time that the Gorman family lived on the ranch starting in 1994.

In the next episode we’re going to talk all about Slenderman.

Intro music:
50 by tobylane
Link: https://pixabay.com/music/beats-50-1280/
License: https://pixabay.com/service/license/

Outro music:
Half Mystery by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5026-half-mystery
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Show Notes:

Hello and welcome to Episode 15 of Secret Grasp.

Secret Grasp is a podcast all about the mysterious and difficult to explain aspects of life.

We cover topics relating to the paranormal, occult, conspiracy theories, urban legends, cryptids, UFOs, aliens, ghosts, demons, and other strange occurrences.

You can find us on all of the major podcasting apps.

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Skinwalker Ranch, also known as Sherman Ranch, is a property located on approximately 512 acres (207 ha) southeast of Ballard, Utah

Uintah Basin – believed to be cursed. Mostly farms, lots of oil in the ground. Mormons and Ute native americans. Ute people have lived there for 12,000 years.

Basically big flat open land. Orange soil and brush.

Skinwalker ranch isn’t really about skinwalkers.

If you don’t know what skinwalkers are, they’re a legend concerning vengeful shapeshifting shamans.

Over 100 incidents

UFOs and orbs almost nightly

Giant fireballs in the sky


Crop circles

cattle mutilations

vanishing cattle

shapeshifting creatures with piercing red eyes that are impervious to bullets

Invisible objects emitting destructive magnetic fields.

Creatures that don’t exist. Dino beaver 100 150 lbs. Blocks on spines. Small stegosaurus. Silent. Flat tail low to the ground bulky

For this episode I’m going to mostly talk about the experiences of one family on the farm. Maybe in the future I’ll do more of a deep dive of what scientists and other groups have experienced when they went to the ranch.

Gorman family. 1994. Previous owners since the 50s never lived on the ranch, basically just came to check on it once a year. Parents and 2 kids, grandfather. Ranchers.

The contract had some weird stuff on it. No digging on the property without notifying previous owners.

Windows on the house were bolted shut. All of the doors had heavy deadbolts on both sides of the door. Large metal rings on the house, possibly to chain up guard dogs.

Bizarre events started happening on the ranch almost immediately after they moved in.

Saw large figure running across the field, maybe a large wolf.

Wolf started running straight toward him. About 3x as big as a regular wolf, up to his chest.

Walked directly up to them.

Father felt weird feeling of calm, reached out and pet it.

Silver grey fur, light blue eyes.

Calm feeling replaced with unease. Wolf noticed a calf in a corral a ways over. Wolf ran over and attempted to pull it through the bars. Dad ran over and kicked the wolf over and over.

Shouted for someone to bring his revolver over. Shot it 4 times. Let go of the cow after 3 shots, started walking off after 4th shot. Just started walking away unphased, no blood.

Then shouted for someone to bring his 30 aught 6, which I believe is a hunting rifle.

Shot it 2 more times. Flesh flying off its body but it still just casually walked away.

Dad and son both chased after it.

No blood trail to follow. Creature left huge inch-deep tracks. Could always see blurs of silver like it was moving super fast, but they could just keep up with it, like it was toying with them.

Eventually they reached a creek where the trail of prints stopped so they headed back to the ranch.

Neighbors claimed there was a large pack of wolves that lived nearby.

Wife got a job at a mortgage office. On the way home from work she saw another wolf similar to the first one they saw. So large that it stood over the hood of the car while standing on 4 legs.

1/2 a mile before she was home.

All-black dog with a head too big for its body.

Reported it to local officials. They said there were no wolves in the entire state and the last one was seen in 1929. They said maybe it was coyotes.

Conflicts with what the neighbors said.

Other things around the farm:

Seeing “windows” in the sky, like a wormhole or portal. Always in the Western sky.

Some angles you can’t see it at all, others you can, sometimes it’s more like an orangish cloud.

Only way to directly see it was from the ranch house. Like a 3D orange tunnel into the sky. Can’t see from the sky.

Showed up all the time. The dad would just look at it with his rifle scope or binoculars all the time.

One time he saw through the portal and could see another sky on the other side where the sun hadn’t set yet.

One other time saw a 3D onion that moved away from him. Unclear…UFO?

Haunting events. While walking the wife felt something rush past her.

In the house, stuff started to go missing, cabinets and drawer opening. Poltergeist. Happened the whole time while other stuff was happening?

Missing cow. Went out to look. Footprints in snow. Obvious cow was running. Snapping branches. Came to a clearing, tracks just stopped. After days, cow never came back.

Son was out and came across a calf and chased after it. While chasing it he found a cow in an embankment but had to come back for it later, 20 minutes later. When he came back the cow was dead. Water wasn’t deep enough to drown in. Cow’s anus had been carved out. No blood anywhere. Happened again 3 months later. Usually when these mutilations happened he’d see lights above the cow pen. Also during thunderstorms.

One time he saw the orbs from his porch and sent his 3 dogs after them. They went through some woods and never came back. There were yelps. When he went to investigate, there was just 3 burned patches of grass with greasy messes in the middle of them.

One time the dad was talking to the mom as they were leaving the ranch to go into town or something, saying if they lose one more cow they’ll lose their livelihood. When they came back, all the bulls from one pen were missing, like 4 or 5 of them. And they were all shoved into a small shed-like structure when they got back. There’s no way a human could get full-sized bulls into such a small space.

Nephew Dave came to visit from the city, 14 years old. Scared of the dark and wouldn’t go out at night. Dad and him went out to do a check at sunset.

Dad saw an RV parked on the ranch. As they approached, it drove away. Then they noticed the headlights didn’t move as the vehicle drove over bumps and hills. It was also driving through fencing. Lights lifted off the ground and went up into the sky.

Nephew broke down crying and left the ranch soon after.

A few weeks later the Gormans heard metal on metal banging. Same looking RV was back. Turned off lights and vanished, reappeared farther away. Repeated over and over, toying with them. Then vanished completely.

Started to see lights around the cattle at night upsetting them so he moved them to a different part of the farm. Lights became even more intense. This pattern over and over of whatever’s on the ranch trying to mess with them and annoy them.

Winter blizzard – saw a 40 foot aircraft with matte black. Only saw because of the snow contrasting it. Mix between an F-17 fighter jet and a B-2 stealth bomber.

Multiple colored lights that lit up the snow.

Moving slowly as if it was looking for something.

Waved his arms and the lights went out and it drove off.

Wife later saw a similar ship when driving home from work. Called her husband who was off somewhere for business? As they talked about it, the RV lights appeared again. Figure appeared inside the craft. Wearing all black, probably 7 feet tall. Visor (like a golf hat), knee high boots.

Hitchhiker Effect

Wolflike humanoid leaned against tree and left marks. Wife saw it and then kids saw it a few days later

Orbs – cause diseases or physical damage if they’re around you or go through you


Seeing weird creatures in their bedroom or outside their home at night


A massive hoax (but natives had experience dating way back previously and the family never talked to the media)

Something underneath the ground. Secret military involvement. Reports of heavy machinery noises coming from under the ground.

Delusions. Mass formation psychosis?

Hallucinagens – no psychoactive substances found in the area

Techtonic strain theory – techtonic or seismic stress sometimes manifests as light or interacts with the human brain??? UAP reports around areas that experience earthquakes

Low level radiation

Parallel universe theory

Advanced terrestrial civilizations – before humans. Reptilians

Extraterrestrials –


Thanks for listening

Show notes on the website, and links to all the places where you can find the show

In the next episode… Slenderman

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