Episode 22 – Ouija Board 30+ Do’s and Don’ts

Direct MP3 Download: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1934329/10319922-episode-22-ouija-board-30-do-s-and-don-ts.mp3

Secret Grasp is a podcast all about the mysterious and difficult to explain aspects of life.  We cover topics relating to the paranormal, occult, psychic, spirituality, conspiracy theories, urban legends, cryptids, UFOs, aliens, ghosts, demons, and other strange occurrences. Visit us at www.secretgrasp.com

This episode is all about the Do’s and Don’ts of using a Ouija board.

– Things to do when using a Ouija board
– Things not to do when using a Ouija board
– Signs that something bad or dangerous is about to happen and it’s time to stop

Intro music:
50 by tobylane
Link: https://pixabay.com/music/beats-50-1280/
License: https://pixabay.com/service/license/

Outro music:
Half Mystery by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5026-half-mystery
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Show Notes:

Hello and welcome to Episode 22 of Secret Grasp.

Secret Grasp is a podcast all about the mysterious and difficult to explain aspects of life.

We cover topics relating to the paranormal, occult, conspiracy theories, urban legends, cryptids, and other strange occurrences.

You can find us on all of the major podcasting apps, and we’ve got a video version of the podcast available on Youtube.

14 rules for using a ouija board / Dos and Donts

Whether you believe that the ouija board is real or not, there are some rules to follow when using it just in case.

First rule is to not play with a ouija board. Despite being sold at toy stores, it’s not a toy. I’ve never heard of anyone having a positive experience or getting useful knowledge out of it. Best case scenario is it doesn’t work or you get useless information out of it. Worst case, you connect to something truly evil.

I know many of you will disregard this warning and try out the ouija board anyway though. If you feel the need to use a ouija board, then at least follow the safeguards and rules that I’m going to outline in this episode.

That being said, I think that while a ouija board is dangerous, it’s not to the same level that I consider voodoo. Voodoo is like a door that you can’t close while opened. While cleaning up after a ouija board session might be a pain that involves all kinds of cleansing rituals and you might even have to get a priest involved, it’s at least possible to clean up after it.


Before and after using a ouija board, do some kind of blessing or cleansing ritual. Research these in advance so you already know how to do them if things get too weird.

Take it seriously. Don’t just treat it as a joke or a game. This can piss spirits off.

To build on that – be respectful. If you’re asking for someone’s time, they’re going to be pissed off if you aren’t. You also never know who or what you’re talking to. Don’t mock a spirit or goof around.

Always close the game out by going to the Goodbye when you are done. Otherwise you leave the door open for spirits or demons to come into your life.

Light a white candle for protection while playing with a ouija board. Never use a black or red candle.

Be as specific as possible. Don’t leave open-ended questions that can be interpreted. Try to communicate with a specific spirit if possible.

Have one person in charge who is the leader. This person will ask all the questions and be the main point of contact. Otherwise you have people asking their own questions and talking over each other.
It’s a good idea to have an extra person taking notes and writing down the letters who doesn’t actually have their hand on the planchette, if you have enough people. Have the note taker write down anything they see and hear as well.

Choose your location wisely. Never play with a ouija board in a cemetary. It’s not recommended to even play with it in your own home. You don’t want to be opening up portals in your house and ending up haunted. If you’ve ever heard the saying “Don’t shit where you eat”, that applies to the occult as well.

Place a silver item on the board. This is said to repel evil spirits and keep you safe. A silver cross is probably best of all.

Ouija board works best in a dim or candle-lit room, as it’s a form of seance. Gets you in the right frame of mind.

Go in with a clear mind. Forget about what is happening in your personal life or preconceived answers you might want to hear from the spirits. Be relaxed.

Be comfortable. You don’t have to sit on the hard cold floor in a basement or attic like in the movies.

Ask the right questions. Don’t ask stuff that there’s no way a particular spirit would know the answer to. Just because they lived during a certain time, that doesn’t necessarily mean they knew something that happened on the other side of the country. It’s like if someone called you up and started asking you questions about something happening in Indonesia. A child spirit might not understand adult things.

Use the ouija board in a small room. To concentrate the energy?

Always make sure at least one person keeps their hand on the planchette for the entire session until it’s closed out. Ideally no one would remove their hands until it’s done, but at the very least make sure one person doesn’t take their hands off.


Don’t use a ouija board if you’re mentally unstable, depressed, or highly suggestible.

Don’t play when you feel weak or ill. You make yourself more open to demonic possession. Spirits will go after the weakest member of the group. If you can’t fight back, you make their job easy.

Don’t become addicted. You might get lured into wanting to talk to spirits on a regular basis. They might trick you to keep talking to you by giving out little bits of information about the afterlife or other side.

Don’t trust any spirit that communicates with a ouija board. Maybe it’s possible that a good spirit can come through, but it’s equally likely that an evil spirit or demon is impersonating a good spirit or a dead loved one. Assume that the spirits you can communicate with are able to read your mind and pull out information to use against you.
Don’t believe anything they say. They can use this information to manipulate, control, or scare you. Or possibly even possess you.

If you want to get rid of a ouija board, don’t try to burn it. If something negative is attached to it and you burn it, you’re releasing it out into the world. I’ve heard rumors that if you try to burn a ouija board it’ll scream, and whoever hears the scream will have less than 48 hours to live. I’ve also heard of burned ouija boards showing back up on the shelf or on your doorstep as if nothing happened. If you want to get rid of a oujia board, you pretty much have to gift it away. That’s supposedly why so many are always for sale on eBay.

Alternatively, you can break it into 7 pieces (a holy number), put holy water on it, and then bury it.
Or just throw it out and hope it doesn’t come back.

Don’t ask about when you will die, or any questions that you don’t want to know the answer to. You won’t like the answer. What are you going to do if they spell out the word “now”? Even if they say in 10 years, you’re going to be constantly paranoid and looking over your shoulder as that time approaches. So don’t ask anything dark or negative that might scare you.

Don’t ask about God. Although this can be a good test for whether you’re talking to an evil spirit or demon, they won’t mention God and will get angry. Plus even some good spirits might be of different religions and get angry.

Never use it alone. People say that the ouija board relies on multiple people to make use of the ideomotor effect, but I’ve also heard people who have said they’ve done it alone and it still worked. Using it alone makes you more vulnerable. 3 – 5 people is best, even 2 is a bit iffy.

Don’t play with a ouija board for more than 2 hours. Gives it too much energy and makes it too hard to close.

Don’t play in front of a mirror. Mirrors can act as portals and draw in more spirits than you want to deal with.

Don’t use a ouija board more than once. Spirits can attach themselves to the board after just one session. (This might get costly. Make your own board with a piece of paper or something instead)

Don’t play with more than 6 people. It gives the board too much energy and makes it very hard to close.

Never ask a spirit to show itself or materialize.

Never leave the planchette on the board when you’re done. This is the equivalent of leaving a hacker alone with your unlocked computer or phone.

Ideally store the board and planchette in completely physically different places.

Signs That Something Bad Is Happening

If the planchette goes to all 4 corners, stop immediately. Supposedly this signifies an evil spirit that’s trying to escape or get out.

Don’t let spirits count down through letters and numbers. Like 9, 8, 7, 6, etc. If they start doing this, stop and close the session out immediately. This is said to be a bad omen and possibly a way of them opening some kind of portal. Usually a sign that something really bad is about to happen.

Don’t let it spell out zozo. If you see the planchette spell out Z-O, cut it off right then and there. This is a highly dangerous demon associated with the ouija board. It’s rumored that if you let it spell out ZO 24 times, it allows the demon to come out and affect you.

Don’t let the planchette move in figure-8s. Again, this is considered to be a bad omen or that a bad spirit is trying to excape.

Don’t let spirits make the rainbow pattern (from A to M or N to Z across the board.)

If you’re getting a vibe that this is an entity that was never human – If it can’t answer when or how it died or when it was born. Don’t mess with any non-human entities (demons).

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In the next episode, I’m going to talk about….

We’ll be in touch soon.