Episode 7 – Targeted Individuals and Gangstalking

Direct MP3 download: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1934329/10139896-episode-7-targeted-individuals-and-gangstalking.mp3

Secret Grasp is a podcast all about the mysterious and difficult to explain aspects of life.  We cover topics relating to the paranormal, occult, psychic, spirituality, conspiracy theories, urban legends, cryptids, UFOs, aliens, ghosts, demons, and other strange occurrences. Visit us at www.secretgrasp.com

This episode is all about targeted individuals and gangstalking.

In the next episode we’re going to talk all about astral projection.

Intro music:
50 by tobylane
Link: https://pixabay.com/music/beats-50-1280/
License: https://pixabay.com/service/license/

Outro music:
Half Mystery by Kevin MacLeod
Link: https://incompetech.filmmusic.io/song/5026-half-mystery
License: https://filmmusic.io/standard-license

Show Notes:

Targeted Individuals and Gang Stalking

Hello and welcome to Episode 7 of Secret Grasp.

Secret Grasp is a podcast all about the mysterious and difficult to explain aspects of life.

We cover topics relating to the paranormal, occult, conspiracy theories, urban legends, cryptids, UFOs, aliens, ghosts, demons, and other strange occurrences.

You can find us on all of the major podcasting apps. All of our links are available on our website at secretgrasp.com

Have you ever felt like you were being followed before? Even if it’s only for a couple of blocks, and whether you were justified in your feelings or just being paranoid, it’s a very unnerving experience.

Targeted individuals (or TIs for short) are people that think they’re being tracked or followed by someone all the time. It could be a government agency, an international organization.

Some think they have microchips implanted in them, their homes are bugged, that they’re being followed, that they’re receiving telepathic messages or controlled or harassed.

Project Pandora by DARPA on the biological and behavioral effects of microwave radiation. The study concluded that microwave radiation could not be used for mind control.

There are some real reports. The most notable is called Havana Syndrome. US and Canadian embassy staff in Cuba started reporting symptoms in 2016 that seem like some kind of microwave attack. In fact, diplomats showed signs of brain damage when they received MRI scans.

Symptoms include suddenly hearing a loud noise, pain or pressure in the ears or head, tinnitus, visual problems, nausea, vertigo, cognitive difficulties, insomnia, fatigue, and dizziness.

Since then, other US officials and military personelle have reported similar attacks. The cause is still uncertain.

Some suggestions include microwaves, ultrasound, pesticides or infectious agents, or even noises made by crickets.

More and more of these reports are cropping up in the US, Europe, China, and elsewhere as well.

What is gang stalking?

Gang stalking focuses on the idea of targeted individuals as well. Except instead of being targeted with technology, they are typically harassed and stalked by groups of people.

People that think they’re the victims of gang stalking might feel like people are always secretly watching them in public. People might walk past them and bump into them and whisper things to them. They might stand outside their homes or spy through their windows with drones.. Or record them in public with cell phones, or make faces at them. Maybe the mouse on your computer screen moves by itself or messages appear to be typed by other people in a text document while you’re looking at it.

Basically those who are gang stalked feel like they’re being constantly followed, watched, and harassed by dozens of different people who are all in on it. Their houses might get broken into or vandalized often.

What do I think?

I think like most things, some of it is misdiagnosed, but there is also some truth to it.

I think a lot of TIs are actually suffering from schizophrenia or paranoia.

Every day, weird stuff happens if you are looking out at the world with a victim mentality. In a day you might see someone looking like they’re laughing at you, and then they look away when you make eye contact. Or it might look like someone is taking a picture of you with their phone when really they’re taking a selfie. It’s easy to misconstrue things that don’t actually involve you and build it all up into a grander scheme if you think you’re being targeted.

At the same time, I don’t think that we can fully dismiss it. There probably are people in communities where the whole police department or fire department is working against them and trying to harass them. There could be other organizations at work too.

I don’t want to immediately dismiss any TIs, although I do think a psychological evaluation would be worth getting to rule out any mental disorders first. Of course it’s a bit of a catch-22. If you think you’re a TI, then you likely would think any medical professionals are in on it and trying to discredit you as well.

It’s a terrifying idea to think that you could be followed and constantly watched.

I’ve had neighbors in the past that I felt were messing with me. The truth is, it’s really hard to be objective, and almost impossible to ever know for sure. It’s easy to misread into things, especially if you build up a narrative in your head. Or if you interact with people from a distance a lot without ever actually talking to them or getting to know them.

Vice has a great documentary called “Meet The Targeted Individual Community” that’s worth checking out.

If you’ve made it this far and you’re liking the podcast, can I ask you for a favor? It’d really help us out if you could share the podcast with a friend or family member that you think would be interested in the types of topics we cover. Also feel free to share the podcast on Reddit or any social media that you want.

In the next episode, I’m going to talk about astral projection

Just a reminder as well that if you have a strange, creepy, or weird real life story you’d like to share on the show, you can email me. Secretgrasp at gmail.com. You can either send an MP3 file of yourself telling the story, or write it out for me to read on the show.

We’ll be in touch soon.